My finals are coming and i dont have the urge to study anything..
I wouldnt feel this way without you guys.
it was amazing in a way, i had fun. =)
We got random, tired from setting up the place..
so yeah, the twins somehow managed to join this photo..
[Their trademark smile]
back to highschool for me..
I also spent some time with Jin.
hmm, she's a lil under the weather, but i understand.
We're much alike in our problems..
Well anyway, after AC.. haha.
the picture tells everything actually.
Just fooled around before we slept..
Is a Belle.. heh, amazing girl. I actually posed with her.
But she took so many trial and error shots that I looked away.
Unfortunately, the right one came at the wrong timing.
and my bestfriend..
Thanks for always being there for me. Though stress overcomes all of our feelings now, I still love the fact that we're good friends. Ill always be here for you, regardless of how things are. Maybe in the future we'll get to set aside our differences and appreciate everything else.
I'm sorry and love always..
- Josh -