Saturday, August 29, 2009

Facts of Life

Facts of life are complicated.
Well.. That's wat people say.

Mine are simple.

1. Get up.
2. Survive.
3.Go back to bed.

When times are tough.... buy beer..

When your hurt, dont hurt others, hurts yourself.

When your job in life is just strangling the air out of your lungs, grab some smokes.

When you cant decide whether to love or to miss someone.. try to think of how much that person misses or loves you.

When your family is hurt or broken, mend it with everything you've got,
even if it takes leaving everything you've ever wanted.

and when you cant take life no more, think about how much life has done for you.

Im sorry to the Pereira Family.

Suicide is never the answer..

May you rest in peace, Robby Fernan Pereira.
